class Cli implements InterfaceCli
Class Cli
log(string $text)
Logs a message
warning(string $text)
Logs a warning message
success(string $text)
Logs a success message
error(string $text, bool $exit = true)
Logs an error
getResponse(string $question)
Ask the CLI user a question and return their response
outputInFormat(string $format, array $data, array $keys)
Output the data in a specific format
at line 55
log(string $text)
Logs a message
at line 66
warning(string $text)
Logs a warning message
at line 77
success(string $text)
Logs a success message
at line 90
error(string $text, bool $exit = true)
Logs an error
at line 103
getResponse(string $question)
Ask the CLI user a question and return their response
at line 117
outputInFormat(string $format, array $data, array $keys)
Output the data in a specific format