AdvancedTemplateClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Legacy
Removes the Advanced Template option from the PDF settings if not upgrading from a legacy plugin
AdvancedTemplate::add_filters() — Method in class AdvancedTemplate
Add WordPress actions
Deactivate::add_actions() — Method in class Deactivate
Add WordPress actions
LegacyLoader::add_filters() — Method in class LegacyLoader
Add WordPress filters
LegacyLoader::add_actions() — Method in class LegacyLoader
Add WordPress actions
Header::add_filters() — Method in class Header
Add WordPress filters
Header::addToolkitHeader() — Method in class Header
Register a new PDF Template Header "Toolkit"
Header::addToolkitSetting() — Method in class Header
If the current template is a Toolkit template, save that value into the settings
Javascript::add_actions() — Method in class Javascript
Loader::add_filters() — Method in class Loader
Add WordPress filters
Loader::add_actions() — Method in class Loader
Add WordPress actions
AbstractWriterClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Writer
Html::addHtml() — Method in class Html
Add HTML directly to Mpdf using the current Mpdf Y pointer position
Import::addPdf() — Method in class Import
Load a PDF with version 1.4 or 1.5 of the Adobe Spec for use with Mpdf.
Import::addPage() — Method in class Import
Display a page, or range of pages, from the loaded PDF in the PDF being rendered
Import::addBlankPage() — Method in class Import
Add a blank page to the PDF being rendered. Use in conjunction with $w->html().
Multi::addMulti() — Method in class Multi
Add Multi-line content to the PDF
Multi::addMultiCenter() — Method in class Multi
Add Multi-line content to the PDF
Multi::addMultiRight() — Method in class Multi
Add Multi-line content to the PDF
Single::add() — Method in class Single
Add Single Line content to PDF
Single::addCenter() — Method in class Single
Add Single Line content to PDF with center alignment
Single::addRight() — Method in class Single
Add Single Line content to PDF with right alignment
gfpdfe_business_plus::add_template() — Method in class gfpdfe_business_plus
Deprecated method to import additional PDFs and return the data


BootstrapClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit
Class to bootstrap the Gravity PDF Developer Toolkit plugin
FactoryWriter::build() — Method in class FactoryWriter
Initialise our PDF Writer object and inject all required writer classes automatically
Styles::beginStyles() — Method in class Styles
Begin buffering output to capture the styles


CliClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Cli\Commands
Class Cli
CreateTemplateClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Cli\Commands
Processes the wp gpdf create-template WP CLI Command
Multi::configMulti() — Method in class Multi
Sets the new mult-line configuration
Tick::configTick() — Method in class Tick
Sets the new tick configuration


DeactivateClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Legacy
Detects if the Gravity PDF Tier 2 plugin is enabled and deactivates it automatically.


Cli::error() — Method in class Cli
Logs an error
InterfaceCli::error() — Method in class InterfaceCli
Logs an error
Javascript::enqueueScripts() — Method in class Javascript
Enqueue our JS on Gravity PDF pages
EllipseClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Writer\Processes
Ellipse::ellipse() — Method in class Ellipse
Adds an Ellipse to the PDF being rendered
Styles::endStyles() — Method in class Styles
Import our styles to the PDF generator.


FactoryWriterClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Factory


Cli::getResponse() — Method in class Cli
Ask the CLI user a question and return their response
GetPdfStatusClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Cli\Commands
The Gravity PDF CLI Commands
InterfaceCli::getResponse() — Method in class InterfaceCli
Get a user response
Javascript::getTemplateHeader() — Method in class Javascript
AJAX endpoint to get current template file headers
AbstractWriter::getMpdf() — Method in class AbstractWriter
Get the current Mpdf object
Import::getPdfPageSize() — Method in class Import
Returns the current imported PDF page sizes (with $w->addPdf()). The class handles the page sizes internally, so you shouldn't need to use this method in your templates.
Import::getPdfPageIds() — Method in class Import
Returns the current loaded PDF page IDs. The class handles the IDs internally, so you shouldn't need to use this method in your templates.
Multi::getMultiConfig() — Method in class Multi
Return the current Multi configuration values
Tick::getTickConfig() — Method in class Tick
Return the current Tick configuration values
gfpdfe_business_plusClass in namespace
A legacy (deprecated) class included so Gravity PDF Developer Toolkit can be a drop-in replacement for the Gravity PDF Tier 2 add-on. Don't use its methods for any new templates.


HeaderClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Loader
Adds support for our Toolkit header in PDF Templates.
Loader::handleToolkitTemplate() — Method in class Loader
Loads the current PDF template and injects our Toolkit helper classes
HtmlClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Writer\Processes


Bootstrap::init() — Method in class Bootstrap
Initialise the plugin classes and pass them to our parent class which is included in the Gravity PDF plugin to handle the rest of the bootstrapping (licensing ect)
InterfaceCliClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Cli\Commands
Interface InterfaceWriter
Register::init() — Method in class Register
Register our WP CLI Commands
AdvancedTemplate::init() — Method in class AdvancedTemplate
Initialise class
Deactivate::init() — Method in class Deactivate
Initialise class
LegacyLoader::init() — Method in class LegacyLoader
Initialise class
Header::init() — Method in class Header
Initialise class
Javascript::init() — Method in class Javascript
Initialise class
Loader::init() — Method in class Loader
Initialise class
AbstractWriter::isMpdfSet() — Method in class AbstractWriter
Determine if our Mpdf Setter has been run
InterfaceWriterClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Writer
The Mpdf setter contract for use with our Writer classes
InterfaceWriter::isMpdfSet() — Method in class InterfaceWriter
Check if our Mpdf Setter has been run
ImportClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Writer\Processes
gfpdfe_business_plus::initilise() — Method in class gfpdfe_business_plus
Deprecated method to import a PDF and return the data


JavascriptClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Loader
Adds support for our Toolkit Javascript in PDF Templates.


Cli::log() — Method in class Cli
Logs a message
InterfaceCli::log() — Method in class InterfaceCli
Logs a message
LegacyLoaderClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Legacy
Detects when the legacy Advanced Template option is enabled, bypasses the PDF sandbox, and injects our Toolkit helper classes and legacy variables automatically.
LoaderClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Loader
Detects when the Toolkit header is included, bypasses the PDF sandbox and injects our Toolkit helper classes automatically.


AdvancedTemplate::modifyAdvancedTemplateField() — Method in class AdvancedTemplate
Checks if the legacy "Advanced Template" option should be shown in the PDF options
Deactivate::maybeDeactivateLegacyPlugin() — Method in class Deactivate
Deactivate the Gravity PDF Tier 2 plugin (if it exists)
LegacyLoader::maybeSkipPdfHtmlRender() — Method in class LegacyLoader
Check if the legacy setting is enabled and skip the sandbox
LegacyLoader::maybeAddLegacyTemplateArgs() — Method in class LegacyLoader
Include variables needed for legacy templates
Loader::maybeSkipPdfHtmlRender() — Method in class Loader
Determine if the current template has the "Toolkit" header and skip the standard Mpdf HTML sandbox
MultiClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Writer\Processes


Cli::outputInFormat() — Method in class Cli
Output the data in a specific format
InterfaceCli::outputInFormat() — Method in class InterfaceCli
Output the data in a specific format
LegacyLoader::overloadMpdfClass() — Method in class LegacyLoader
Overload the current Mpdf object being processed if template creates its own object


Bootstrap::plugin_updater() — Method in class Bootstrap
Check the plugin's license is active and initialise the EDD Updater


RegisterClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Cli
Registers our WP CLI Commands
Javascript::registerAssets() — Method in class Javascript
Register our plugin assets
Writer::registerClass() — Method in class Writer
Register the class with the Writer


Cli::success() — Method in class Cli
Logs a success message
GetPdfStatus::status() — Method in class GetPdfStatus
Get the Gravity PDF System Status
InterfaceCli::success() — Method in class InterfaceCli
Logs a success message
AbstractWriter::setMpdf() — Method in class AbstractWriter
Our Mpdf Setter
InterfaceWriter::setMpdf() — Method in class InterfaceWriter
Setter for our Mpdf class
SingleClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Writer\Processes
StylesClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Writer\Processes


TickClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Writer\Processes
Tick::tick() — Method in class Tick
Adds a tick character to the PDF


GetPdfStatus::version() — Method in class GetPdfStatus
Get the current Gravity PDF Version


Cli::warning() — Method in class Cli
Logs a warning message
InterfaceCli::warning() — Method in class InterfaceCli
Logs a warning message
WriterClass in namespace GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Writer
This class acts as a router for all public methods found in the GFPDF\Plugins\DeveloperToolkit\Writer namespace.


CreateTemplate::__construct() — Method in class CreateTemplate
CreateTemplate::__invoke() — Method in class CreateTemplate
Generates a PDF template in the PDF Working Directory
GetPdfStatus::__construct() — Method in class GetPdfStatus
AdvancedTemplate::__construct() — Method in class AdvancedTemplate
Deactivate constructor.
Deactivate::__construct() — Method in class Deactivate
Deactivate constructor.
Header::__construct() — Method in class Header
Header constructor.
Javascript::__construct() — Method in class Javascript
Javascript constructor.
Writer::__construct() — Method in class Writer
Register all classes on initialisation
Writer::__call() — Method in class Writer
Search through the registered classes for a public method match and call it with the passed arguments